Action Profit Club – “Empower Your Business Program”
…Contractors Group Coaching

Program Description

This Online Contractors Group Coaching Program suits those business owners who really are committed to get their business ahead. The type of business that most benefits from this program is a business who’s owner really wants their business to implement the strategies for improvement as quickly and effectively as possible by leveraging their team, and instilling leadership on all fronts. You will attend 2 live webinars one at the 1st of the month and one at the 3rd week of the month. 1.5hrs in duration. This is a group webinar. You will move into the “Steady Growth System”. You will have access to the Business Basics videos and tools. You will also receive a recording of the weekly calls so you can go back to them along with receiving the pertinent tools covered on the calls. Some of these include templates for creating your ideal Structure, Hiring Process with Contracts and Application forms, Proven Sales & Marketing systems and scripts, dozens of white papers on specific areas of your business and so much more. You will be able to leverage the learning’s of other like-minded business owners to take a more “Learn From Others Approach” verses “All trial and error”. You will get access to a Bi-Weekly Q&A where you will receive some 1-2-1 input and guidance from Total Business Coaching. This could be from your Coach or other professional’s.

5 Ways to Massive Results in Sales and Profits
