5 Tips on How to Build a Direct Mail that Produces Results!

If you are new to direct mail these 5 tips can help you build your contracting business by creating a sales piece that attracts buying audience.

Targeted Lists….. You don’t want to mail to anyone who would not be interested in your product or service. Identify your target market, and know your target market it will enable you to write in a way that your prospect will relate to.

Headline… This is the most important part of your direct mail letter. If it doesn’t grab your reader’s interest immediately, your campaign will fail. Your letter needs to have a clear purpose, and take people from point A to point B. Point A is your headline, which should identify where they are now.

Body….The body of the letter leads them to Point B, which is where you tell them why they should act right now, and how to do it. Understand your customers, this will help you know exactly what message you want to communicate. Remember, you don’t have to be great writer, as long you know who you are writing to, and know how to come up with a good offer, then your writing skills are irrelevant.

Add Objects… Putting items in your letter can greatly improve your response.

Phone Script… Unless you’re selling directly off the page, you need to have an effective follow up phone script. This can help you increase your response rate to your direct mail.

If you need help with producing killer headlines, or are looking to get direct mail templates, then please feel free to download the free e-book http://total-business-coaching.com/free-ebook-registration/ or contact me at support@total-business-coaching.com

Cheers to your success!

